12:52 AM
Accidentally in love!
that's the song ure hearing rightty now!
ahahahas. keep hearing it kayys! ;D
i wont state whyy. you know whyy. ;X ahahas.
; IJ Flutes
5:42 AM
ahhh. )):
todayy was the official first band prac w/o sec4.
ahahahas. it was like crappp.
)): oh mann. i cldn't even play the solo like purrlease.
im probably the worst flute player ever.
ahahahas. nvmm. ;DD
at least everyone tried!
woooots. ;DD
ahahahhas. i want another farewell. ))):
i dont want the sec4's to leave. SOBS.
like who does.
aahahahs. anw, sec4's gd luck in ur O's and ur future studies kayy!
oh btw, roxanne i heard u dint read the msg in the slideshow ritee?
i doubt anyone did, it was too quick anw,
so yarr.. im here to post that msg. ahahahs. it's still with me! ^^
here goes...
To all the band seniors:
Thank you for putting so much effort when organizing special occasions, for putting everything in place and for putting so much love and care into everything you guys do. For always trying to do things beyond your limits and for always thinking of us before yourselves. And of course, for guiding us through these past few years in band as juniors and helping us along the way. You guys have been great.
To the flute seniors:
Thank you for putting so much hard work in guiding us through these few years in band, for always improving us. For always trying your best to help us whenever possible, and for trying to be our friends and not our seniors. Even though there may be conflicts within our section at times, we do know that whatever you do is for our own good. Thank you for all the joys and tears. Remember that we once loved you, and will continue loving you. Wherever you are, you will always be part of the flute section. Good luck in your future studies and career. You will always be missed by us. God Bless and Take Care.
With much love,
yeappp. this was the original one larr. i REALLY dont know how they edited.
so yeapp.
ILY ALL many many! <333
; IJ Flutes
7:38 AM

The whole section (excluding me). Oh I like this picture

Random shots I guess. Look at Florence eating her sausage hahaha!

Awww! Christabel's love for melissa, arent you jealous ming en?

Here again Christabel 'attacking' us all. xD

Last photo of the day
What I want to say is thank you very much for the teddy bear and the framed photograph. It's very heartwarming to recieve them from you all and I am very touched indeed!
Also, I hope you all enjoyed the dance the sec 4s put up. It required a lot of confidence okay? Now the song is stuck in my head and I have been playing it over 15 times today. Ah, so addictive melissa!
Although I did not read the message you all wrote on the video as it passed by so quickly, I know that it's probably something very touching so thank you!
Thank you for all the support and yeah, you should know how I feel. I've written for you all the messages so yeah.
I'm sorry that I lost all the drawings, notes from everyone and everything because I was being careless, I just hope that it will come back to me soon.
THANK YOU(by alphabetical order):
Alicia, for always being there, adding wonderful memories to my dull life;
Anne, for being a wonderful junior I wish to talk to you more;
Cherryl, for being humourous and please come for band;
Florence, for just being a mad girl you are and funny;
Guinevere, for being funny and just approachable;
Hui Teng, for being a well behaved junior, talk more;
Jebi, for just being there, I still don't know why you think my face is so funny;
Melanie, for being as cute as you are, bleach is love;
Melissa, for always being there and everything hehehe;
Michelle, for always supporting us even after so long;
Ming En, for lighting up the section with your craziness;
Pei Jing, for being just the way you are and always writing those notes together with melanie;
Rose Marie, for giving me the guidance I ever needed as a sec 1, I hope I didn't let you down;
QiYi, for being funny and leading us;
Yuka, for just being as crazy as mingen and florence, you have proclaimed your love for me XD.
Thank you seniors for laying a strong foundation for me and the juniors for every being so fun-loving. There's so many things I want to say and that's is only a summary.
I love you all very much!! I MISS YOU ALL~
Ok, so here ends another chapter, I wish you all the best in everything you all do! You can always find me if you need anything!
<3 Roxanne
; IJ Flutes
2:00 AM
Hey there earthlings!
i just realised i haven't post anyy peeks of the beijing trip. :X
hahahahs. so yeappp.. im gonna post some of them. :D
SORRY. they aint in order of the time and date of the events.

great wall!
Huiteng, yuka, roxx and melissa <3
on the buss. :D

Beijing airport. :D leaving for spore soon.

Beijing airport. :D just landed.
temple of heaven. credits: ALYSSA.(:
ahahahs. i rmb-ed to credit her.
flutees + oboee. :D
++ SIRR. :D
ahahahs. yeapp. that's about it peeps. :D
oh yeaaa. u people received my SMS about my change of number?
ahahas. dont sms the previous one anymore kayys.
unless u want to contact my bro. :X
anyways, anybody want to go with me for the SJI concert.
pleaseee. ): it's a combine SJI band with Hwachong Strings. :D
ahahahs. okok.
that's about it.
oh no. last thing.
sec4's have stepped-ed down. ):
&& our current section is DOTS. ahh. ):
okokayy. nvm. we'll do something about it. :D
oh mann. im missing the sec4's soo soo very muchh.
kkies. im looking forward to farewell this sat!
wooots! u ppl better come kayys. ((:
ILY all!
; IJ Flutes
9:09 AM

Ming En!

Having a crazy photo frenzy while waiting for the opening ceremony to start. Ming En, Hui Teng and Yuka. (Rest is covered.)

Waiting for the bus. Jebi, Yuka (with the leaf which she abandoned it after having it for a day) and Melanie.

flutes plus oboe!

Another section photo

and another one

Florence and Yuka. XD Look at Yuka's hair!

Taking random shots. Melanie, Yuka and Florence.

Hui teng! (shi tian in the background. Is that her name?)

Pei Jing, Floremce and Yuka

Melissa, Alicia and Hui Teng at the Olympics shop. I didn't buy anything there

section photo again

and another one; notice sir is in the background smiling at the camera too, alicia (or was it melissa) pointed it out to me after taking the shot.
And that's all from me now! There's still more photos~ but there's too many to post so enjoy these now.
I miss you all~ (including the seniors before us too!)
; IJ Flutes
6:37 AM

Omg omg, i miss you four fantabulous seniors.
Sadly, i think Melissa misses me th most.
Awwh! Dont worry, i also miss you back.
Just like yeomingen i think.
I want to see Roxanne walking and talking like an auntie.
I miss her rosy fat cheeks.
Do you think she misses me?
Awwh! Jebi (:
Dont be threatened by me.
Cos i wont rape you anymore.
Right, Florence's always making up stories and exagerrating my "rolling of eyes"
I know i'm this cute.
Thanks world.
And our lovely SL's cool and sweet messages.
i know they're sweet cos alicia, are you indirectly professing your undying love for me? :D
But i'm taken. Woots.
(Sorry Alicia and Jebi, i dont have your cool cool peeeektures. I dont like my noobie face >: O )
Love, Yeo Ming En.
Florence's darling,always.
i think i'l look back in a couple of days and realise how mushy i am.
But nvmind.
Dont be scared of th stupidly cute yeomingen.
Fine, it's a bit retarded.
Here you go Melissa.
Worhzxzx, love you too.
; IJ Flutes
3:41 AM
Hey Flutes!
Isn't the photo cute? I saw it over at Flickr and was meaning to put this up months ago but I couldn't get access to the blog. Well, I've finally stepped down and I must thank you all for all the wonderful memories!
I'll post more later but this is for now.
See you!
; IJ Flutes
5:08 AM

hey section!
oh my, the beijing trip is over and so is the 2nd week of term 3. fast, eh?
GREAT JOB FOR THE GOLD PEOPLE ((: YAY. the trip was fun! i know you all enjoyed yourselves. i did (:
its also once again the time where the sec 4s step down. [ aww... :((]
well, its been great knowing all of you. i am really proud of all you juniors for trying so hard and despite all our shortcomings or whatever, doing a real good job of working together as a section to have fun and to play to the best of our abilities. i hope you all will keep this up to maintain the strong bonds within our section :D i'll certainly miss all of you. a lot. you all should treasure your time together before its too late. so continue to enjoy your band life! before there isnt any like it to enjoy no more.
alright. I <3 FLUTEs. i <3 you ming en. HAHA. i know you are really happy now.
oh yes,
congrats to melanie for the SL position.
sigh, its the last performance tomorrow!! i dont want to step down:((
once again, thanks for trying your best for all of us. we appreciate it! <3<3<3
PS: above is a picture we took at The Great Wall of China. everyone is present. for once.
LOADS OF LOVE, melissa
; IJ Flutes